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The following procedure is simplified and standardized based on the patent (US Patent Number: 9149030 B2). You should wear protection gloves when applying this solution. We might tune up the procedure when we feel the need, so please revisit this page from time to time. Look at Images/Videos and Technical Questions for more information.

Procedure for termite detection:
  1. Select locations around your property. The locations are preferably about 4 feet from the foundation and about 10 to 15 feet apart. For normal single houses, it will call for 10-12 stations. The locations can be in a flower bed, vegetable garden, under deck or in middle of lawn, etc. It is a little more difficult to construct stations under the lawn, so you could normally reduce the number of under-lawn stations by increasing the distances to 20-25 feet. The Images/Videos page contains a video for how to construct an underlawn station.
  2. In the selected station locations, clear the area in size of about 18" by 18". Dig a little into the ground about 1-2 inches deep from the top. In dry and sun facing locations, use relatively deeper stations, e.g. 2". If it is in middle of lawn, dig out the lawn turf about 4 inches deep and also about 18" by 18" in size. Make the bottom relatively flat. I suggest using a spade shovel for under-lawn stations and using transplanter in other places.
  3. If the location is dry, add as much water to the location as can be absorbed.
  4. Place one to two layers of cardboards on the bottom. You can use clean packing boxes. Try to choose those with thicker cardboards. I normally cut the cardboard into long stripes, e.g. 6" by 18" it will make inspection later easier.
  5. On the top of cardboard, place a single sheet of plastic sheet about 18" by 18". Plastic sheets 4 MIL or thicker are recommended. Color does not matter. 3 MIL contractor trash bags will also work. Thinner plastic sheets are not recommended.
  6. Cover back whatever you dig out in the same location, such as mulch, lawn turf, mud, and so on. If it is an under-lawn station, after covering the lawn turf back, water the station to keep lawn growing.
  7. Every 2 weeks, lift the plastic sheet to see whether termites show up. Make as little disturbance as possible. You should lift the plastic sheet along with whatever on top of the plastic sheet from one side/corner in order to minimize disturbances. If termites do not show up on top of cardboard, try to lift cardboard a little to check. For under-lawn stations, we recommend inspect in every 4 weeks. Add cardboard as needed. Cover back the plastic sheet and whatever was on top of the plastic sheet after inspection. If no termites show up, continue checking for about 2 to 3 months in the mentioned intervals. If you see lots of ants in the station during check up, please read Technical Questions.
  8. If termites show up, follow the steps below to buy chemical from the market and apply the chemical to destroy the termite colonies. Don't try to kill the termites on the scene, we need them to carry the chemical to the nest to kill the whole colony.
  9. After 3 months without finding termites or aftert the termites are found and the baiting process finished, you can get rid of plastic sheets and let cardboards decompose by themselves. Or you can keep the stations until end of the season when the weather becomes cold. Some small colonies might take longer time to show up. You could inspect less frequently in the extended period.
When termites are detected by using above procedure, don't try to kill them on the scene, use the following procedure which will let termites carry poison to their nest to kill whole colony:
  1. Buy Termidor Foam from the market using Buy chemicals/materials link. You can take a few days to obtain the chemical, the termites should stay there pretty stably.
  2. Lift the plastic sheet along with whatever is on the top of the plastic sheet to reveal the cardboard. If cardboards are mostly consumed by termites, add a new layer of cardboards.
  3. Spray Termidor Foam on top of the cardboards only when you know termites are active in the station. Don't purposely spray on to the termites.
  4. Cover back the plastic sheet and whatever is on the top of the plastic sheet.
  5. After about another 1-2 months or when weather becomes cold, remove and trash the plastic sheet. Normally if using Termidor Foam termites will disappear in about a week, however you should keep the station there for a while.

Notes about Termidor Foam:

We currently choose to use Termidor Foam as the termite baiting chemical because of many advantages. However, there are some factors which you should know.
  1. It kills termites relatively quickly. Because of that you should only apply Termidor Foam after termites showed up in your stations.
  2. It has residual poison of 10 years or more. Therefore if you applied Termidor Foam, you need to remember the location and choose not to use the same location in future application of this solution. Otherwise, termites might be killed by the residual poison in the soil and will not cumulate in your station.
  3. Termidor Foam contains fipronil which disrupts the insect central nervous system by either contact or consuming. Do not directly use Termidor SC liquid, it is too strong.
  4. Also follow the label on the container for how to use it and how to dispose it.
We don't have any relationship with the manufacturer of Termidor Foam. We may switch to other chemicals when we feel other chemicals fit better.

Time for start of application and frequency of application:

Since termites will not be active when ground temperature is below certain degrees, we recommend to start applying this solution when flowers start to blossom until around end of July every year considering that the process takes 2-3 months. However, in hot areas, such as southern states of the United States, you can apply in other times too.

Termites are on-going concerns. New colonies can establish every spring. Those young colonies are hard to detect because of their small population and small foraging area. Those small colonies normally impose little risk to your properties, but they can become problems after some years. If you detected termites and applied chemical, we recommend re-applying this solution the next year. If you don't detect termites, we recommend applying the solution every the other year.
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