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Welcome to Ruan's Termite Solution

The most effective and reliable method for termite detection and baiting
Based on US Patent Number: 9149030 B2

Worrying about termites? Want to know whether termites are living near your house? Do professional exterminators cost too much? Do it yourself by using our new method! It is faster and more reliable than all other existing methods! Please click the following link to access our youtube playlist:

Ruan's Termite Solution is a do-it-yourself solution for detecting and eliminating subterranean termites - a type of termites that nests underground. The absolute majority of termites in the United States are subterranean termites. It is a type of termite detection and baiting solution - targeting at eliminating termites near your property so that no termites will attack your property. This method allows you to construct termite baiting stations around your property by using readily available materials. Compared with other existing solutions, this solution is faster and more reliable.

If you are not sure whether termites exist in your yard, this solution will allow you to determine whether termites are active in your yard. If termite activity is detected or you know termites are active in your yard, this solution will let you destroy the termite colonies. Please read Procedure for how to apply this solution by yourself. The materials you will need include
  • Cardboards - you can use clean packing boxes, choose thick ones.
  • Plastic sheets - 4 MIL or thicker plastic sheets are recommended, any color. You may use 3 MIL contractor trash bags.
  • Termite baiting chemical from the market - only needed when termite activity is detected. You do not need to buy chemical before termite activity is detected.


Compared with existing container-based termite baiting solutions (normally called stations or stakes), Ruan's Termite Solution can attract and kill termites more quickly and more reliably. It normally takes 2-4 weeks to detect termites by using this method vs several months by using existing container-based methods. And termites are more likely to show up in the stations of this solution.

Termites love places with lots of food, more humidity, more stability and little disturbances. The following is a table comparing of this solution with existing container-based solutions for how this method provides better environments for termites. We encourage comparison of this solution with any existing baiting stations by interlacing both stations of this solution and existing solutions and seeing which will attract termites faster.
This MethodExisting Container-Based Solutions
Large station size helps termites find the stations by foragingYesNo
Lots of termites' favorite foodYesMostly yes
Keep ground water vapor from escaping into air, so the station is more humidYesNo
Not washed out during heavy rainYesNo
Minimal disturbance during inspection and adding chemicalYesDepends on brand
The plastic sheet helps gather termites underneathYesNo

Other advantages include
  • Little or no cost.
  • No false alarm - you detect termites when you really see the termites. Other methods normally rely on the disappearance of inceptors/cardboards for termite detection and can cause lots of false alarms because the inceptors/cardboards could decompose or be consumed by other creatures such as ants.
  • When termites found the stations of this solution, they will stay there more stably.
  • Our solution is the most environmentally friendly. It does not use or even buy chemicals before termites are really detected. When termites are detected, the chemicals are only applied to stations where termites are active.
  • Allow us to choose the most effective chemical that makes it more likely to destroy the termite colonies. Other methods use fixed chemicals and the effectiveness will depend on brands.

Here are some important notes

  • This solution, as well as other ground-insertion termite baiting solutions, is effective only for subterranean termites, including Formosan termites. It should not be used for drywood termites or dampwood termites.
  • If termites have already entered your house, we recommend that you contact professional exterminators unless you really know what you are doing.

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